

  • 部落格版2007.9.22開始收集(部落格版才留相片).
  • 既刊目錄 http://www.geocities.jp/taigu_jp/nihon/
  • 尚新未收部分請看
  • 2020年12月15日因為雅虎群組網站關站移到google群組繼續發行. 所以後面的網址可能也無法瀏覽 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nihonnokoe/ (編碼請設定Big5)
  • 部分既刊(2004/4/21~12/28)也收藏在http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/nihonnokoe/

  • 2008-10-17

    we disagree 【發動「拒絕到長崎縣觀光」運動】

    Dear the Governor of Nagasaki,

    We are disappointed to your public statement in saying that Taiwan is "not" an independent country.  As you probably have known, although you dare not saying so, that de factor and de judicio that Taiwan has been an independent country ever since the end of the World War II - a country of democracy of 23 millions people and the people who are kind to Japan so far.
    Your statement will remain as a record of disgrace in history and will bear in Taiwanese minds that you are a statesman of no courage and of no sense of reality.
    You will not be able to secure more visitors from Taiwan to Nagasaki if you keep your bias and prejudice against our country.

    The Rev. Dr. Burton Tan
    Pastor of Taiwanese Church in the Greater Seattle, Washington State
