

  • 部落格版2007.9.22開始收集(部落格版才留相片).
  • 既刊目錄 http://www.geocities.jp/taigu_jp/nihon/
  • 尚新未收部分請看
  • 2020年12月15日因為雅虎群組網站關站移到google群組繼續發行. 所以後面的網址可能也無法瀏覽 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nihonnokoe/ (編碼請設定Big5)
  • 部分既刊(2004/4/21~12/28)也收藏在http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/nihonnokoe/

  • 2008-09-01

    [koe]: 【國民黨所捏造】所謂「南京大屠殺」


    In January 2003, official documents that
    demolish, once and for all,l the
    "Nanking Massacre" myth were discovered.
    Marked "top-secret", they were compiled
    in 1941 by the Chinese Nationalist
    Ministry of Information under the title
    Outline of International Propaganda
    Operations. The documents are detailed
    records describing counterintelligence
    activities implemented by the
    Nationalists in 1937, when war with
    Japan broke out, and thereafter. Nanking
    was the seat of Chiang Kai-shek's
    Nationalist government in 1937. The
    documents are preserved in Taiwan, home
    to the Nationalists since 1949. Prof.
    Higashinakano discovered them at the
    Museum of Chinese Nationalist Party
    History in Taipei.

    An examination of those documents
    reveals that the provenance of
    accusations that Japan perpetrated a
    massacre in Nanking is wartime
    propaganda initiated by the Nationalist
    intelligence organization. They also
    expose European and American Nationalist
    agents who were intimately involved in
    the concoction of "Nanking Massacre"

    According to the documents, between
    December 1937 (the time when the
    massacre is supposed to have been
    committed) and October 1938, the
    Nationalist government, now operating
    from Hankou, held a total of 300 press
    conferences to which members of the
    foreign press were invited. However,
    there is no evidence showing that
    mention of a massacre in Nanking was
    made at any of those conferences.

    An exhaustive analysis is made on the
    Nanking incident based on the newly
    discovered official documents by Prof.
    Higashinakano of Asia University in a
    book: "Top Secret Nationalist Documents
    Reveal the Truth about Nanking
    Incident". You can read the full text
    and download it at:

    Sincerely yours,

    MOTEKI Hiromichi
    Deputy Chairman and Secretary General
    Society for the Dissemination of
    Historical Fact

    URL http://www.sdh-fact.com


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