
[koe]: Taiwanese [王明理寫的英文詩]

                                             Ong Beng-li (王明理)

We are alone
We are alone in the world
We are isolated in the ocean

Who robbed our name?
Who robbed our right to join to the international society?
Why did they decide?

No one listened to our voice
Nobody has asked us
Nobody asked us which way we wanted to go

Are we not here?
Are we not living?
Do we have no life?

We are living here Taiwan for a long time
We are Taiwanese
We are not Chinese

We are gentle
We are tolerable
We are democratic
We can afford us by ourselves

Please look at us
We need friends
We want to join to the international society

We need your friendship!
We need your love!
We need “identification” to live in the world!

(2014.1.10 11:00)

*作者 Ong Beng-li 王明理為王育德博士女兒, 現任台灣獨立建國聯盟日本本部委員長.

