
[koe]: 【討論】在海外喊那些有用嗎?

I just attended a memorial service in rutgers University, NJ, USA, on 2/26/09. The president of the sponsored organization is a Japanese student. I salute to her and chate with her before the event because I arrived early. She knows 228 and Taiwanese history well enough. She also told me her Grandmother was born in Taiwan and Grandmother talked a lot about Taiwan.

Hey, Little efforts, little action, little something contribution is better than nothing, better than "cheap talk", negative saying. One step a time.

You never know..... Amy NJ/USA ----------

Mr./Mrs. H: How do you know it is of any use? It's only a matter of how many but not useful or not, unless you are working for Sina-jin, Chinese, KMT, and the so-called Chainkoro. Every good-intention approach for Formosan future must not be down-played. I can assure you most friends in my small circle of communication who do not have an access to nihonnokoe will learn from me that some Japanese and Formosan in Japan will learn what Formosan patriots are devoting for Formosan causes as much as they can.

By the way, if you are in Taiwan, do you think you can write what you can and say most things that you want if it was not due to untiring efforts and sacrifice that some people abroad have been doing and continue to do? And it were not due to many educated abroad risked their lives returned to Taiwan for the sake of Formosans' freedom and longing for independent and integrity of their homeland, Formosa? Do you think the freedom you enjoy today in Formosa is given by Chinese and KMT?

JC in Washington, DC. USA. 090301

2009/3/1 <nihonnokoe@googlegroups.com> > > 讀者H先生╱女士來信: > > 我的留言是, > 如果真的愛國,在海外喊那些有用嗎? > 如果愛國應該是生活在台灣,工作在台灣,拿著台灣的身分證。 > 在日,在美發起那些活動,外國人他們真的知道意義在哪嗎? 有些在日美居住久的台灣人,真的了解台灣目前的狀況嗎? > 這些是看了那些報導後的感想。 > > Best regards > > 參考: [自由時報]日民間團體發動228保台遊行 > http://nihonnokoe.blogspot.com/2009/03/koe-228.html > > 編輯組回信: > > 感謝你來信。請注意,東京遊行一半是日本人。據說這是在海外台灣人活動中,日本特別的地方。那些日本人肯定知道活動意義。參加這此遊行的在日台灣人一直關心台灣每天看台灣報紙,也經常與國內的朋友親戚通電話。看台灣的電視節目。肯定有與國內同樣的了解。 > > 在日本,台灣人的居留證(外國人登錄卡)上被寫中國籍。其他國家不採取這樣的做法。很多日本年輕人不太了解台灣。年紀大的人則以為台灣是中國的一部分。所以需要讓日本廣大社會知道台灣是與中國不同的國家。 > > 愛台灣就不用在海外發聲?那些派到國外的員工,或在國外就學將來要貢獻台灣的人是不愛祖國? > > 國內國外都是宣揚台灣的舞台。那一個都不能忽視。咱們在自己目前所住的地方,發揮自己愛台灣的表現。 > > 問題是現在外交休兵,說台灣是中國的一部分,台灣當局到底對外發出什麼信息。 > > 如果我們有不太了解的地方,麻煩你糾正。多謝! > > 祝你 > > 萬事如意 >


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