
[koe]: 【回響】March 14 Demonstrations Important ¥x¥_0314¡B0315¹C¦æ³qª¾

Sir or Madam

March 14, demonstrations is important day, please invite your friends or relatives
come and support, your support is great appreciated by Taiwanese generations.
Please opne the wibsite to learn more about the events.

ROC is a Rebellious Entity for PRC right to Suppress
A democracy is a political system for the people to govern themselves by, and it is a basic principle of a democracy to faithfully abide by the laws either directly enacted by the people or through elected representatives. The democratization of Taiwan cannot be fully accomplished on a legal basis unless the Taiwanese people establish a constitution of their own.
Expressed or recommends by US President Bush

There is only one way can change Taiwanese better fate that is vote referendum for self-determination own country-Taiwan future by Vote with hands, which 100+ nations did since end of WWII.

In the modern world today, Taiwanese women are not just play dutiful wife and lovely mother, women also play important role of politics, Taiwanese women must care the people live in the same land, and love or loyalty the country-Taiwan not behind men do.

Remember how you learned to drive or cook? You practiced while someone coached you, reminding you what to do until you were able to coach yourself and then, eventually, do it automatically. Children learn values much the same way. They practice different kinds of behavior, while, you, as coach, help focus their attention on what is important and on fine-tuning important skills. You support them with your praise, encouragement, and gentle reminders.

If you don't coach your child, she or he will find her or his coaches elsewhere and be guided by the values of the media, her or his peers and anyone else who captures her or his interest. So, step up to the plate,
don't be afraid and help your child learn how to be a good person, step by step.
Title Page -- Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen (by the U.S. Department of Education)
About ROC constitution
Initially, this constitution was proclaimed on the mainland by the Chinese in 1947 to apply to all of China, already under Communist control, and Mongolia, but not to Taiwan, which the Republic of China was occupying as its last hold out. Such a strange constitution is found nowhere else but in Taiwan.
(US president Bush remarks)

--- On Mon, 3/9/09, nihonnokoe@googlegroups.com wrote:

台灣國-辦公室 轉寄訊息 圖博抗暴五十周年遊行 聲援圖博人民抵抗中國入侵50週年紀念 http://310tibetanuprisingday50th.blogspot.com/2009/02/310.html 遊行時間:2009年3月14日(六)13:00集合、14:00出發 集合地點:忠孝復興捷運站(SOGO復興館前廣場) 遊行路線:忠孝復興捷運站(SOGO復興館前廣場)→忠孝東路四段(東區商圈)→經國父紀念館\ →市政府捷運站→興雅路→經誠品信義店、新光三越A11→松高路→松智路→台北101對面廣\ 場 活動網址http://310tibetanuprisingday50th.blogspot.com/ 315反賭場․倒退嚕大遊行 反對澎湖蓋賭場,犧牲民眾與環境生態的未來 遊行時間:2009年3月15日(日) 13:00集合、14:00出發 集合地點:自由廣場 (原中正紀念堂大中至正牌樓) 遊行路線:自由廣場→中山南路→景福門→凱達格蘭大道(反貪腐廣場) 活動網址http://lovepenghu.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post_4006.html

