
[koe]: [Taipei Times] Target of PRC's carrier plan

Subject: Re: [koe]: �e�����!f��C�G����p�e�ۻs�⿴�ְʤO��ť�ĥ

Sir or Madam:

Taiwanese can have much better fates in their hands, if they are not stupid or foolish must take civil rights action by vote referendum that basic human right of the land, that island is of the people, by the people and for the people that rights and privileges above all.

Since USA has delayed to help Formosan establish the civil government, Taiwanese should have civil right to vote referendum, establish own future according the War of laws or international laws, which must treat Taiwanese as part of it share the equal human right to joint international activities.

Taiwanese future must not decide by fewer politics powers that are always involved snobbish play tricky or dishonor practice conducts. Especial Chinese dirty politics tricks that deal with others below the waists most of the time, aren't that unfairly to put Taiwanese children under scapegoats? The innocence Taiwanese children or offspring of the future cannot place under such circumstances.?

If the parents of elders have sense of justice and love their children must stand up fight for the children or offspring that their rights and privileges cannot place under such evil tricks politics conducts to bully the weaker. Take precautions before heads; don?�t wait until too late to regret but shouting in the hell.

It is urgently that Taiwanese must watchful or repost and stop any leadership or official and agent every move or acting must be clarity and transparent, which must be publicly and announcement by display at public display and all medias. To prevent dishonor practices or betray Taiwan instigated by enemy or conspire with the CCP of official or agent bribery share the loot, etc. or could drag-in third nation's politics powers become collusion against Taiwan.

Since CCP became powerful aggressors that as group of predatory ruffians, but are not qualify to present entire people of provinces, which were not part of Chinese, even though hundred times cultural revolutions and education reforms, but there are still evidences to proof the facts, such as each province has own language that different from the other, while Beijing is official language that original Chinese.

Can the leaderships of the variety Taiwanese organizations gather together by call for unit entire nation and take acting right away? Or will be too later to regret.? Rich or famous can stand behind support the financial needs help the poor family while the poor of head of family can contribute his effort and spirits.

Everyone has unique that can contribute his or her talents and intelligent help to improve organizations spirits and courageous, as good examples to lead entire citizens of Taiwan to improve self-identity to improve social and morality standard, help each individual Taiwanese can stand up and speak up represent Taiwan (not China that PRC belongs to enemy CCP) and groups become diplomatic corps, show his or her proud of part of Taiwanese race to meet the world civilized average women and men quality.

Stop selfish Taiwanese disregard self-dignity by saying Taiwanese future matter let other worry about, but he or she stay behind enjoy life luxury with family or mistress.

Collection all questions and find all problems and face the facts to take into important tasks for challenger, ignorance will cumulated huge problems that great danger for enemy play dirty tricks behind Taiwanese, step aggressive island gradually but quiet as the danger tricky dogs that bite without barks.

CCP aggressors always threaten to kill people of a nation by develop powerful weaponry.

Aggress island is not necessary a war, but send 20 million the Chinese (rebels of faction) to occupy Taiwan so invaded, said the rumors since 20 years ago.

There are hundred kinds of murdering or killing methods by Chinese dictators without needs war or weaponry, such as drugs toxics or herbals poisons, contamination or toxic bio-chemicals, etc. which great methods to kill or murder people secretly that difficult tract sources but caused damages any part of organ later, to be slow death eventually. Even US medical laboratory cannot test all or find what is caused the human body illness or diseases, etc. only can be laboratory testing on 10-12 kinds or elements of common cause human body sick or illness, such as echolike, lead, etc. said university physician.


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Published on Taipei Times http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2009/02/10/2003435761 Asia: Target of PRC's carrier plan By James Holmes

Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009, Page 8 LATE IN DECEMBER, Huang Xueping (�3���), a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, confirmed that Beijing was seriously considering building aircraft carriers. For many in the West, the prospect of Chinese carriers conjures up images of World War II, with its titanic battles between Japanese and US carrier task forces. Accordingly, naval analysts at the US Naval War College and elsewhere are atwitter over what Huang's remarks may signify. Rumors have the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) doing anything from refitting the decrepit Soviet carrier Varyag to building 84,000-tonne leviathans comparable to the US Navy's Nimitz-class flattops.

The buzz is understandable. If it lost its carriers in combat against China, the US could lose its dominant position in Asia in an afternoon while discrediting itself as a world power. It is doubtful, however, that the PLA relishes a head-on engagement with the US Pacific Fleet. Nor is a Taiwan contingency uppermost in the minds of Chinese carrier advocates.

There are pragmatic reasons for this. The PLAN understands that surface vessels are increasingly vulnerable to "asymmetric" attack by submarines, stealthy missile boats, or even land-based systems like the anti-ship ballistic missiles Chinese weapons engineers are reportedly developing. Inexpensive weapons pack a punch, even against US carriers.

That's the insight that has driven Chinese naval thinking since the 1995 to 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, when the administration of then US president Bill Clinton dispatched two carrier battle groups to Taiwan's vicinity as a deterrent. Unable to track or even detect the US task forces, Beijing in effect vowed "never again" to suffer such a travesty.

PLA sea-power thinkers have studied carrier operations assiduously since then. The PLAN has poured enormous effort into devising systems and tactics able to hold off US naval forces in a future showdown. As a result, there?�s a real chance that Washington would think twice before risking these high-value assets in the Strait.

Having gained confidence in their ability to menace US aircraft carriers, PLAN strategists understand that Chinese carriers would be likewise vulnerable in a fleet engagement. After all, the US Pacific Fleet is no slouch at sinking surface warships. Rather than expose its flattops to a US counterattack, Beijing likely has other purposes in mind for them.

First, as Huang said: "China has a long coastline and the sacred duty of China's armed forces is to safeguard the country's marine safety and sovereignty over coastal areas and territorial seas." While this sounds harmless enough, Beijing asserts jurisdiction over virtually the entire South China Sea.

Putting steel behind maritime territorial claims disputed by fellow Asian states only makes sense from China's standpoint. Aircraft carriers sallying from, say, the PLAN's new base on Hainan would put an exclamation point on Beijing's claims vis a vis rival claimants like Vietnam and the Philippines.

Second, economic logic is refocusing Beijing's strategic gaze on waters even farther afield than Southeast Asia. China's current leadership has staked its legitimacy on improving the nation's standard of living --- and that means securing reliable seaborne shipments of oil, gas and other raw materials.

A carrier fleet would give Beijing some control over the sea lanes that crisscross the Indian Ocean, bringing vital resources to Chinese users.

And third, aircraft carriers are a talisman. Reversing China's "century of humiliation" at the hands of Western sea powers is a top priority for Beijing, which has noticed it's the only permanent member of the UN Security Council without carriers in its naval inventory. India has one, with plans for more. Even the Royal Thai Navy sports one.

China believes it can rebrand itself as a great seafaring nation by procuring carriers.

The upshot: Beijing likely intends its flattops not for a cataclysmic sea fight against the US Navy, but to coerce or deter lesser Asian powers, safeguard merchant shipping in vital sea areas and uphold maritime claims others find objectionable.

This may come as cold comfort for China's neighbors, but it also implies that Nimitz-like vessels aren't in China's immediate future. It doesn't need them to prosecute more modest missions. For now, the PLAN likely will content itself experimenting with humbler vessels like the "helicopter destroyers" operated by Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Such an interim solution would meet Beijing's needs for the time being while allowing Chinese engineers time to master difficult technologies like steam catapults that are essential to big-deck carrier operations. That would keep Beijing's options open should it deem more ambitious vessels necessary in the future.

That seems like a reasonable shipbuilding strategy.

James Holmes is an associate professor at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.


