
[koe]: [A letter from a reader] Reading the article about "confort women"

[A letter from a reader] Reading the article about "confort women"

Hi, Happy New Year to all

It is most important that Taiwanese must face the facts of problems today, than take care the problems one by one to challeger and tasks, but stop ignorance the facts that never can be solved but cummulate more and more problems that curse Taiwanese children or offspring forever.

But majority Taiwanese women choice to unity with enemy CCP dictators, whick will be another military PLA base on island, Taiwanese women will become comefort women for PLA that must more powerful than KMT was.

Will Taiwanese women be lucky to invite another Chinese dictators to come and live with them in the same land or even next door? Chinese won't be worry there are only 1/3 of women of total population in PRC. Chinese especial the CCP of the rebels of faction will come to island pick up women as many as they will wish.

Open 3 links will force more Taiwanese lost jobs, more poor or even beggars, force to close business, etc. There will have more poverty-ridden women search for food or sources for financial support.

The 3 links already opened for CCP the rebels of faction and welcome PLS, etc come or return between island and PRC freely, which also can play or lust with Taiwanese young women freely, the parents may need their daughters to do so help for daily living, such as the Formosa Island after 1947. Taiwanese became poverty-ridden sudentely, which must forced young women to be comfort women.

Will Taiwanese women be lucky the Dark Era comeback? Will Taiwanese men happy to see their daughters become comfort women for Chinese again?

This could be happened eventually, if Taiwanese parents do not take action right away, stand up with courageous with seriously precautions.

Almost entire world nations, women care of their people as men do.
The most stranger ethnic race in the world is Taiwanese that women never care of the men and men never care of the women, but only jearous or hatred each other or for purposes or money to get alone, bad examples for the children or young adult, even their son or daughter.

Taiwanese must start from learn to improve the public moral sense,
than they con respect each other, as weel as self-respect, than they
can be respected by the people of the world. The most important
is stop to put money at first, but coach children become responsible
citizens priority, if children learn honor the country-Taiwan (not China that PRC belongs to enemy CCP), than children can grow up healthy, they will have strong moral sense and courageous, they will keep strong self-identity or dignity, they will regard their parents and elders with respects as well. Otherwise, more Taiwanese sons or daughters will be brainwashes by enemy CCP or the rebels of faction with poisons the brain that dictators doctrine will foodpringted on Taiwanese children hostile with Taiwanese, worship with enemy CCP tyrannical rulers.

Anyone reply or sugusting.


